Git is like a puzzle: easy to grasp, but tricky to master. One of its key features is branching, which allows you to work on different parts of your project simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes 😉
When it comes to integrating changes from one branch into another, Git offers a few options, including git rebase, git merge, and git squash.
Let’s break down each one:
👉 Git Rebase:
git rebase is like reorganizing your commits on a shelf. It moves or replays your changes on top of a different base commit.
This creates a linear commit history, which can make it easier to understand the evolution of your project over time.
It’s great for keeping your history clean and linear, especially when working on feature branches or preparing changes for a pull request.
However, be prepared for potential conflicts, especially if you’re rebasing onto a branch that’s frequently changing.
👉 Git Merge:
git merge is more like combining two branches into one, creating a new merge commit that joins the histories of both branches.
While it can result in a more complex history, it accurately reflects the flow of development and clearly shows when and where branches were merged.
It’s ideal for merging long-lived feature branches into the main development branch, such as master or main.
👉 Git Squash:
Although not a standard Git command, git squash is often used to condense multiple small commits into a single, meaningful commit using git rebase -i (interactive rebase).
This can make your commit history more concise and easier to review, especially before merging a feature branch into the main branch.
Additionally, there’s git fetch, which updates your local repository with changes from a remote repository. This is handy for checking out new commits or branches in the remote repository without merging them into your local branches right away.
In summary:
Use git rebase for a clean, linear history when working on feature branches or preparing changes for a pull request.
Use git merge to preserve the entire history of both branches, especially when merging long-lived branches.
Use git squash (via interactive rebase) to combine small, related commits into a single, meaningful commit before merging.
Each method has its place, so choose wisely based on your project’s workflow and the story you want your commit history to tell.